Sunday 5 May 2013

May Writing Challenge

Since I'm starting a new chapter in my life now that I've finished my university degree, I decided that I needed to find something to keep me writing—I tend to leave it alone and ignore it for a while. I woke up May 3 and decided that I need to challenge myself, and I'm doing so in two different ways.

The first challenge I found was a fitness challenge. I'm lazy, but I wanted to change that. When I found, I thought "I can do this!" I've been doing it for three days now. (Only as a beginner.)

The second one I searched for was a writing challenge. There were some interesting ones that I found but what I decided to do is create my own challenges day to day using Seventh Sactum. This gives me free reign to do what I want to. I can generate a new challenge each day or I can continue the one from the day before. I've used two so far and the past challenges will be posted after this. Starting May 6, a new post will be added every day.

Feel free to join me in this challenge! You can leave the link to your challenge in the comments and I'll read them; I always enjoy finding new material to read. Or you can tweet me here.

Other links I use in these challenges and my writing in general:
Last Name Generator (This also has links to other generators that are very handy.)
Fantasy Name Generator (A fantastic link.)

1 comment:

  1. Love your challenges Tara! Good luck!
