Friday 10 April 2015

A-Z Challenge. Day nine.

Short but it's all I've got this late at night! Enjoy!

Day 9. I is for Ink.

He watched her from across the room, blue eyes following the swirl and dip of her pen as it drew across the page. Her entire attention was focused on the picture in her head, she didn't care about the ink staining her fingers. He smiled when she sat back to take a look at the page from farther away. Her blonde head would twist this way and that as she figured out where she would go from there. It was only about a minute, probably less, before she hunched over the page with the same intensity as before.

He looked down at his own page. His, unlike hers, was a ramble of words that hardly made sense. She painted a picture with only the blue ink while he tried to create a world with words. He sighed as their instructor started to come around the room to inspect their work. Once again he knew the instructor would simply sniff and continue on his way, dismissing his work with an eye roll. He tried, but his mind wouldn't focus, his eyes constantly travelled to study her.

A sniff and the instructor moved on. He sighed and leaned forward to rest his forehead on the desk. If only he could be as creative as her, have just an ounce of what she had. He sat back and studied his own page. Maybe more than an ounce. He winced as he read some of the words. Pathetic is what came to mind.

He started to carefully fold the paper, wanting to tuck it into his bag down in the corner with all the other mistakes. His eyes went to her again. She was sitting back, smiling up at the instructor who was praising her, as he should. The instructor moved on. She smoothed her hand over her page and he wished he sat beside her then to see the masterpiece she had no doubt created in her mind and immortalized in ink on the page.

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